Blitzen Trapper - All Across this land

 Grandes Riffs junto a melodías cercanas al rock and roll clásico hacen de este disco un gran descubrimiento.


While continuing to explore broad stylistic territory, Blitzen Trapper’s eighth studio album, a 10-song collection titled All Across This Land, stands as an exceptionally focused and immediate effort. Though it follows 2013’s somewhat experimental VII, a futuristic hip-hop/country-rock hybrid, All Across This Land, in contrast, is a top-down, tightly defined piece of classic rock and roll, full of big riffs, bigger hooks and compelling, instantly relatable lyrics. 

Sin dejar de explorar diferentes recorridos estilístico, Blitzen Trappe presenta su octavo álbum de estudio, una colección de 10 canciones titulado All Across This Land, que se erige como un esfuerzo personal excepcional, muy centrado y que atrae de manera inmediata. A pesar de que en 2013 cogió un camino experimental con VII, un híbrido  country-rock futurista junto a hip-hop, All Across This Land, por el contrario, es una suma de contraste que recorre todo el disco de arriba hacia abajo, lse acerca mucho al rock and roll clásico, lleno de grandes riffs,  grandes y convincentes melodías que se relacionan al instante con las letras. 

We recorded it specifically to be a two guitar, bass, drums and piano record,” Earley says. “Every song is a band song, and arranged just how we’d play it onstage. Because at this point, we’ve made tons of records and we’ve played tons of shows. And the people who come out to see us, they understand what we’re doing and they don’t care about genres or anything like that. They’re more interested in our actual specific unique personality as a band.

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